Browsing by Author Al-Khateeb, Belal

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 51  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-01-01An Ant Colony Algorithm with Dynamic Cities Allocation for Solving Competitive Travelling Salesmen ProblemAl-Kubaisi, Mohannad; Al-Khateeb, Belal; Mohammed, Muamer
2018Application of chaos discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm on pavement maintenance scheduling problemAhmed, Kawther; Al-Khateeb, Belal; Mahmood, Maher
2018-02-16Application of chaos discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm on pavement maintenance scheduling problemAhmed, Kawther; Al-Khateeb, Belal; Mahmood, Maher
2020-01-01Applying Convolutional Neural Network Modified Based on Particle Swarm Optimisation Method for Image RetrievalAl-Janabi, Sameer; Al-Janabi, Sufyan; Al-Khateeb, Belal
2019-09-03The blue monkey: A new nature inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithmMahmood, Maha; Al-Khateeb, Belal
2018A Chaos With Discrete Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization For Pavement MaintenanceAhmed, Kawther; Al-Khateeb, Belal; Mahmood, Maher
2019-01-01Comparison the Efficiency of Some Search Engines on Arabic Keywords and RootsAl-Rawi, Salah; Al-Khateeb, Belal
2014-01-01The effect of neighborhood structures on tabu search algorithm in solving university course timetabling problemShakir, Ali; Al-Khateeb, Belal; Shaker, Khalid; Jalab, Hamid
2021-08-04Electricity-theft detection in smart grids based on deep learningIbrahim, Noor; Al-Janabi, Sufyan; Al-Khateeb, Belal
2021-01-01Electricity-Theft Detection in Smart Grids based on Deep LearningIbrahim, Noor; Al-Janabi, Sufyan; Al-Khateeb, Belal
2020-01-01Energy Efficiency in 5G Massive MIMO for MobileWireless NetworkAhmed, Ali; Al-Heety, Ahmed; Al-Khateeb, Belal
2015-01-01Enhanced Google-Based Semantic Category SearchAdeeb, Mohammed; Sleman, Ahmed; Abdullah, Sumaya; Al-Khateeb, Belal
2012-11-04An evolutionary tic-tac-toe playerAl-Khateeb, Belal
2022-06-30An extensive review of state-of-the-art transfer learning techniques used in medical imaging: Open issues and challengesMukhlif, Abdulrahman; Al-Khateeb, Belal; Mohammed, Mazin
2019-01-01Hybrid Approach to Solve Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window Based on Quantum and Evolutionary ComputingFyaidh, Ahmed; Al-Khateeb, Belal
2020-01-01Hybrid Intrusion Detection System Based on Deep LearningLateef, Ali; Al-JanabiSufyan, Sufyan; Al-Khateeb, Belal
2018-01-01Hybrid Quantum Genetic Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Time WindowAl-Thalej, Ahmed; Yassen, Esam; Al-Khateeb, Belal
2018-11-20Hybrid Quantum Genetic Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Time WindowAl-Thalej1, Ahmed; Yassen, Esam; Al-Khateeb, Belal
2017-06-15Hybrid soft computing approach for determining water quality indicator: Euphrates RiverLi, Jing; Abdulmohsin, Husam; Hasan, Samer; Kaiming, Li; Al-Khateeb, Belal; Ghareb, Mazen; Mohammed, Muamer
2021-01-01Image Classification using Convolution Neural Network Based Hash Encoding and Particle Swarm OptimizationAl-Janabi, Sameer; Al-Janabi, Sufyan; Al-Khateeb, Belal