Browsing by Author Brethee, Khaldoon F.

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Analysis of frictional effects on the dynamic response of gear systems and the implications for diagnosticsBrethee, Khaldoon F.; Gao, Jingwei; Gu, Fengshou; Ball, Andrew D.
2022-03-15Damage degradation modelling for transverse cracking in composite laminates under low-velocity impactIbrahim, Ghalib R.; Albarbar, A.; Brethee, Khaldoon F.
2022Damage degradation modelling for transverse cracking in composite laminates under low-velocity impactIbrahim, Ghalib R.; Albarbar, A.; Brethee, Khaldoon F.
2020Diagnosis of Induced Gear Wear in Two-Stage Helical Gearbox Based on Vibration AnalysisBrethee, Khaldoon F.; . Ibrahim, Ghalib R.; Mohammed, Rashaq A.; Albarbar, Al-Hussein
2020Diagnosis of Induced Gear Wear in Two-Stage Helical Gearbox Based on Vibration AnalysisBrethee, Khaldoon F.; Ibrahim, Ghalib R.; Mohammed, Rashaq A.; Albarbar, Al-Hussein
2020Diagnosis of Induced Gear Wear in Two-Stage Helical Gearbox Based on Vibration AnalysisBrethee, Khaldoon F.; Ibrahim, Ghalib R.; Mohammed, Rashaq A.; Albarbar, Al-Hussein
2009Free vibration analysis of a symmetric and anti-symmetric laminated composite plate with a cutout at the centerBrethee, Khaldoon F.
2021Free Vibration Analysis of Clamped Laminated Composite Plates with Centeral CrackBrethee, Khaldoon F.
2016-10-11Frictional effects on the dynamic responses of gear systems and the diagnostics of tooth breakagesBrethee, Khaldoon F.; Gu, Fengshou; Ball, Andrew D.
2017-11Helical gear wear monitoring: Modelling and experimental validationBrethee, Khaldoon F.; Dong, Zhen; Fengshou, Gu; Ball, Andrew D.
2018Helical gear wear monitoring: Modelling and experimental validationBrethee, Khaldoon F.; Dong, Zhen; Fengshou, Gu; Bal, Andrew D.
2016An Investigation of Electrical Motor Parameters in a Sensorless Variable Speed Drive for Machine Fault DiagnosisHamad, Naima; Brethee, Khaldoon F.; Gu, Fengshou; Ball, Andrew D.
2021Monitor the gearbox conditions at certain intervals by using the short-time Fourier transform methodHamad, Tareq Z.; Brethee, Khaldoon F.; Ibrahim, Ghalib R.
2022Numerical analysis of lubricant viscosity variations on operating condition of helical gear systemBrethee, Khaldoon F.; Mohammed, Rashaq A.; Ibrahim, Ghalib R.
2022Numerical analysis of lubricant viscosity variations on operating condition of helical gear systemBrethee, Khaldoon F.; Mohammed, Rashaq A.; Ibrahim, Ghalib R.