Browsing by Author M. Najim, Jassim

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013-09-05The ability to use light emtting diode (LED) as emergency, instead of gas lamp or tingistin lamp in home lightingM. Najim, Jassim
2021-01-08Calculation and Comparison Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrum for Serum of Normal and Testicular CancerM. Najim, Jassim
2018-01-03Classification of brain tumors using the multilayer perceptron artificial neural networkM. Najim, Jassim
2017-01-04Comparison of Some Statistical Measurements Extracted From Benign, Malignant and Normal MRI Brain ImagesM. Najim, Jassim
2021-11-15"Generation of dye (Rhodamine B) laser by optical pumping and study its effect on solidstate nuclear track detector Cr-39"M. Najim, Jassim
2020-01-12"Hysteresis Loop Effect on Intensity for Horizontal and Vertical Polarization by Optical Feedback"M. Najim, Jassim
2013-01-01Maximum power analysis of photovoltaic module in Ramadi city Performance analysis of wind turbine systems under different parameters effect View project INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT Maximum power analysis of photovoltaic module in Ramadi cityM. Najim, Jassim
2018-01-04New Modulation Method in FSO Communication Using Different Wavelengths (650,532,405) nm in the Iraqi WeatherM. Najim, Jassim
2017-01-06PANI/MWCNT based humidity sensorM. Najim, Jassim
2013-01-02Practical Evaluation of Solar Irradiance Effect on PV PerformanceM. Najim, Jassim
2022-01-09Proton nuclear magnetic resonance of Testicular cancerM. Najim, Jassim
2019-01-11Pulse Width Modulation Generation Based on Laser Using Ultrasonic FrequencyM. Najim, Jassim
2017-01-09Structure and optical properties of PANI/MWCNTs nanocomposites thin films prepared by plasma jet polymerizationM. Najim, Jassim
2016-05-05Study of Beta Particles (𝜷) Effect on Some of Mechanical and Physical Properties For Epoxy Resin Reinforced by (Fe) Particles.M. Najim, Jassim
2018-01-03Study the effect of Iraqi weather parameter in FSO communication using different wavelength (650, 532) nmM. Najim, Jassim
2017-01-04Study the Effect of the Homemade Nitrogen Laser System in Medical FieldM. Najim, Jassim
2020-01-10Study the Relation of dye laser pulses with its concentration for the Rhodamine B dye.M. Najim, Jassim
2009-01-02Studying the Different Effects of Gamma and x-ray Irradiation on Electrical Properties of silicon diode type 1N1405.M. Najim, Jassim
2008-01-04Studying the Effect of X-ray Radiation on the Electrical Properties of Diodes 1N1405M. Najim, Jassim
2018-01-03A three-stage blumlein-circuit to generate transversely excited atmospheric nitrogen laser by using three spark gapsM. Najim, Jassim