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Title: Syria's situation on Arab Agreements and treaties 1943-1951 The Greater Syria Project as a Model
Authors: Mohammed o’gllah, Sura
Sami Farhan, Yousif
Keywords: King Abdullah
Greater Syria
, project
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Since the establishment of the Emirate of Transjordan in 1921, Prince Abdullah bin Al-Hussein realized the goals of the colonial policy whose goal was to achieve division between the countries of the Levant; He sought to restore political unity between the regions of the Levant by adopting the Greater Syria project, but the project was met with strong opposition by the colonial powers, as well as other Arab countries. As for the Syrian government, the project was totally and completely opposed; Because it preferred independence with its republican system over the common unity between the countries of the Levant, as Syria witnessed disparities in support of the project at the popular level, and that the Greater Syria project witnessed strong opposition in its Arab surroundings, especially from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt; In addition to Syria, the subject of our research, which led to the establishment of the League of Arab States to be an alternative to any desired Arab unity
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1551
ISSN: 1005-0086
Appears in Collections:قسم التاريخ

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