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Title: Correlation of liver function tests and serum level interleukin-18 in patients with hepatitis B and C virus infection
Authors: Mohsen, rana
Keywords: Keywords---correlation, liver function, interleukin-18, hepatitis, virus infection
Issue Date: Aug-2022
Publisher: International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S6), 11543–11551
Abstract: Abstract---Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus are among the most common Infectious agents are most commonly transmitted through the blood Still a major global health problem, this possibility A study was conducted in Fallujah General Hospital, and the Public Health Laboratory in Anbar Governorate – Iraq. Study it was conducted on 60 individuals out of (30) cases of hepatitis B and C patients and (30) healthy cases (control) who were selected according to health criteria .The following data was recorded:Age, gender, date, resident, type of injury, data were collected by Statistical units Data were analyzed using SPSS for windows (version Distributing (HBV,HCV) patients into age group revealed that < 40 year age group had the highest frequency ` (56.67)%. while the age group > 50 year recorded the lowest frequency 3 (10.00)%. Among control, the age group > 50 years had the highest frequency 14(48.28)%, followed by the age group < 40 and year 10(34.48)%. And the lowest frequency in age group 40-50 recorded 5(17.24n Most of HBV,HCV patients were males (21(70%), while female patients accounted for 9(30%). Almost approximated frequencies were reported in control (17(58.62)and 12(41.38%, respectively). Serum mean of TSB showed significant difference between (HBV,HCV) patients and control (1.145 v.s0.65 μmol/L; p<0.001),and stand. Error 0.5779, Serum mean of ALP showed a significant decrease in HBV,HCV patients compared to control (28.0667,92.4138 U/L; p>0.000,st error4.85050 ), The serum mean of AST was significantly increased in HBV,HCV patients compared to control (114.5 vs. 18.43 U/L; p < 0.00) and stand. Error 15.07,. Serum median of ALT showed a significant increase in HBV,HCV patients compared to control (53.53 vs. 10.26 U/L; p = 0.001) and 1 1 5 4 4 stand. Error 10.44, . The analysis demonstrated no significant correlations between serum level of IL-18 and LFTs, TSB (r = 0.225 ), ALP (r = 0.0845), ALT (r = - 0.185) and AST (r = - 0.011 ) an increase in the level of the concentration of interleukin-18 (IL-18) was observed in the sera of the infected patients in relation to the absorbance of each of the infected samples.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2097
Appears in Collections:قسم التقنيات الاحيائية

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