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Title: The Elements of Civil Peace with Non-Muslims in the Prophetic Curriculum
Authors: الشويخ, خالد
Issue Date: 26-May-2020
Publisher: سكوبس المجلة : Opcion
Abstract: Abstract The report on the principle of civil peace is one of the nodal constants in the Islamic religion, both among Muslims themselves and with peaceful people from others, and this is contained in this regard texts of revelation, and the Muslim doctrine obliges him to follow. The people of Dhimma, covenant, truce and safety are terms that Muslim scholars call non-Muslims, residents or immigrants to The Land of Islam, and that they are in the era of Muslims, their sin and their protection. Civil peace towards others does not mean at all the contractual and intellectual thaw towards the other and the loss of identity, humiliation and rebuttal to it, but rather mutual respect and knowledge of each party's money and what it is. The policy of civil peace in the Prophetic curriculum, which provided the Islamic call and the prophetic leadership with a good reputation, and a bright face in front of public opinion, which helped to spread Islam, and the popularity of the people.From contemporary safety forms: official permission to enter the country through a visa, such as a visa, a visit card, a check-in stamp, etc., and these are considered institutes and security, they may not be assaulted or subjected, unless they are assaulted and broken. Keywords: Civil, Peace, Non-Muslims, Prophetic Curriculum
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2117
ISSN: ISSN: 1012-1587
Appears in Collections:قسم العقيدة والدعوة والفكر

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