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Title: الأساس المقدس للسلطة في الفكر السياسي الإسلامي
Authors: م.د انس غنام جبارة
Keywords: الأساس
الفكر السياسي
Issue Date: 31-Dec-2010
Publisher: مجلة جامعة الانبار للعلوم القانونية والسياسية
Abstract: The main objective of this paper is devoted to analyzing the Islamic political reality in order to prove the invalidity of the claim of theocracy of the ruling system in Islam, through a dissociation between the political power and its holder after prophet era. That association was the distinctive feature of the circular political thought throughout the past periods of history. Thus, if Muslims are asked to obey their rulers as far as they instruct people to do good and prohibit doing forbidden actions, they do so as an act of obedience to God to gain its pleasure. But this worshiping nature should be devoted to the creator not the created. As a result, the Muslim ruler would never escape questioning if he falls behind in his ruling. If Muslims seek reward from God through obeying their rulers, they seek that same reward when they disobey their rulers should those rulers ask for doing forbidden actions or prohibit doing good difference between the ruling system in Islam and the theocratic ruling system actions. This is the major
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2886
Appears in Collections:قسم القانون

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