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Title: Alkali-Silica. Reaction Of Foamed. Concrete Containing Waste Glass as Aggregate
Authors: Massekh, Nawal B
Hillal, Dr. Ameer A.
Keywords: Alkali-Silica, Foamed Concrete, Waste Glass, crushed waste glass
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: This research focused on examining Alkali-Silica.Reaction (ASR) of foamed concrete mixes containing1different1types of1crushed waste glass (CWG) with different chemical compositions. The reactivity was determined in sodium hydroxide solution by adopting mortar bar test. Four types of waste glass with different particle sizes and different percentages content were used. From the test results of recorded expansion of these mixes, it was noticed that the coarse glass resulted in more expansion than that of fine glass. Lead-silicate1glass (CR) exhibits the maximum expansion followed by1soda-lime1glass (SL) and boro-silicate glass (BS), while less expansion was recorded in mixes with green glass (GG). As compared to reference mix (FC), it was noted that the mixes with crushed waste glass (SL), (BS), and (CR) undergo notable expansion, while the expansion of the mixes with (GG) slightly increased compared to the reference mix (FC).
Description: Academic Research
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3362
ISSN: 1755-1315
Appears in Collections:الهندسة المدنية

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