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Title: An intrusion detection system against malicious attacks on the communication network of driverless cars
Authors: Alheeti, Khattab
Gruebler, Anna
McDonald-Maier, Klaus
Issue Date: 16-Jul-2015
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: Vehicular ad hoc networking (VANET) have become a significant technology in the current years because of the emerging generation of self-driving cars such as Google driverless cars. VANET have more vulnerabilities compared to other networks such as wired networks, because these networks are an autonomous collection of mobile vehicles and there is no fixed security infrastructure, no high dynamic topology and the open wireless medium makes them more vulnerable to attacks. It is important to design new approaches and mechanisms to rise the security these networks and protect them from attacks. In this paper, we design an intrusion detection mechanism for the VANETs using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to detect Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. The main role of IDS is to detect the attack using a data generated from the network behavior such as a trace file. The IDSs use the features extracted from the trace file as auditable data. In this paper, we propose anomaly and misuse detection to detect the malicious attack.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4123
Appears in Collections:قسم الشبكات

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