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Title: Hydrological assessment of the volume of water losses in Al-Habbaniyah Lake and its impact on the tourism activity of the tourist city h using modern geographical technologies
Authors: صبار محمد, خالد
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: The research aims to study the estimation of the volume of water losses from surface streams in each of Lake Habbaniyah ،and to جملة جامعة االنبار للعلوم االنسانية العدد ) 3 مج2 ) )ايلول( 2022 (224 ( achieve this goal the study adopted a descriptive approach to explain the reasons for the increase in the volume of water losses and study the factors affecting them. different ،and it was found in general through the research that there are large amounts of surface water wasted through several processes ،the most important of which are (leakage – evaporation. Where the latter worked to increase the amount of water losses from surface streams because the amount of evaporation from a water body during a specific period depends on two groups ،the first includes climatic factors that carry between its folds ،solar radiation ، temperature ،relative humidity ... etc.) and the second group includes factors related to The nature of water and its characteristics in terms of water quality ،water depth ،size and shape of water bodies .The results proved that both groups worked directly to increase the amount of water losses and thus led to a decrease in the amount of water in the study area ،so this study came as an attempt to clarify the re
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4147
Appears in Collections:قسم الجغرافية

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