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Authors: Mohammed1, T.R.
Majeed2, A.F.
Alawiy1, Ibtehaja K.H.
Keywords: Arginine,
Vitamin E,
Iraqi Ewes
Issue Date: 22-Dec-2019
Publisher: Ann Trop Med & Public Health
Abstract: Abstract The objective of the study to demonstrated the effect of arginine and selenium with Vit E or both on histological picture of ovine placenta in Iraqi ewes. The Study was conducted on 24 pregnant Iraqi Ewes aged between 2-4 years and weight of 40-50 Kg, presented in Anbar during the period from 20 of April to 10 of October 2018. The animals were divided into four equal groups. Placentomes were taken within 6 hours post-partum from 4 ewes of each group. The Placentomes were taken manually per vagina fallowing parturition. It is collected from the center of the pregnant horn. Directly after collection the samples were fixed in 10 % buffered neutral formalin for 48 hours. The specimen of the tissue were dehydrated in a graded series of alcohol, then cleared with xylol and embedded in paraffin. Histological section were done with microtome using 4 µm thicknesses and then stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Each slide was examined under light microscope with low and high power magnification. Histological examantion of sheep treated with arginine (T1)showed vascular changes includes vasodilation of blood vessels and lymph vessels. There was Congestion blood vessels and a hypertrophy of endothelial Cells. There were a mononuclear Cell infiltrations and hypertrophy in the Connective tissue of the maternal side. while sheep that treated with selenium plus vitamin E(T2) showed a high vascular change with presence of hemosiderin pigment. There is an enlargement of trophoblast. It is also noted that is few binucleated cell infiltration were seen. Histological picture of the third group (T3) treated with a combination of arginine with Se plus vitamin E showed vasodilation in blood vessels. There is an endothelial cell hypertrophy and trophoblastic hyperplasia. There is also extracellularmatrix odema. These changes observed might be resulted from the treatment with the combination (arginine , Se + Vit E).Histologic section of Placentomes from ewes treated with normal saline (T4- Control) (Figure-4) showed vascular changes, odema hyperemia and hemorrhage. There is a vasodilation and congestion in the blood vessels. There is a great hyperplasiaof the trophoblast. Few number of binucleated cell were seen in the trophoblast. It was concluded from this study that arginine , Selenium and vitamin E increase placenta blood flow and increase immunity for both maternal and fetal side
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4300
Appears in Collections:قسم الانتاج الحيواني

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