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Title: Effect of sowing dates in yield and its quality for several cultivars of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.
Authors: Al-Solagh, Jadiwa, K.A. B. H. A.
Al–Mohammedi , A.N. A.
Keywords: sowing dates ,yield , quality , sesame
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Anbar Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Abstract: A field experiment has been conducted in silty clay loam in Al-Jazira region in Al-Khalidia town - Al-Anbar province during summer season of 2000. to study the effect of four dates of sowing (1 may, 15 may, 1 June, 15 June) on yield and its quality of four cultivars of sesame (Al-Mahali, Ishtar, Babel, Rafadeen) and determine the best cultivar and date of sowing under the climate of Al-Anbar province. These factors (4×4) input with completely Randomize Block design with three replicates. The results summarized: Ishtar cultivar are superior significantly than others cultivars in capsule length, weight of 1000 seeds, seeds yield and also oil percentage and gave ahighest mean of seed yield (2300.31 , 2119.99) Kg/Ha and oil yield (1283.68 , 1221.86) Kg/Ha when that sowing in I and 15 may respectively. The plants sown in the 15 may gave a highest mean for the most yield characteristics and quality as compared with others sowing dates, while the plants sowing in 15 June gave a less mean for above except capsule length. We concluded from this study that Ishtar cultivar when sowing in the first half of may gave abest yield for seeds and oil in area unit.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4629
ISSN: 1992-7479
Appears in Collections:قسم المحاصيل الحقلية

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