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Title: Prophylactic treatment of uterine prolapse in dairy cattle
Authors: Asker, Audai Sabah
Majeed, A. F.
Keywords: Prophylactic treatment,
dairy cattle
Issue Date: 12-Mar-2016
Abstract: Abstract The study was undertaken on 33 cows of Holstein_Friesian breed, suffering from uterine prolapse in previous calving, presented in Al_fayhaa station, Gbala area, Musiab, Babel province. The age of animals ranged between 4-5 years. The animals were randomly divided into four groups after parturition and treated as follows: The first group (n=9) which regarded as a control group given placebo treatment (Normal saline).The second group (n=10) were treated with 22.5 mg of PGF2α I.M (prosolvin, Intervet, B.V. Boxmeer, Holland). The third group (n=8) were treated with 50 I.U. of oxytocin I.M. (Intertocin, Intervet, B.V. Boxmeer, Holland). The fourth group (n=6) were received 250 ml of calcium borogluconate S.C.All prophyloctic therapy were given directly after parturition. The animals were followed at morning and at night for seven days, in order to show the prognosis of those cases; the results showed that the 2nd group, which were treated with pGF2α, give the best results with a response of 100 % (1010). The 2nd group showed a response of 63% (58).While the fourth group showed a response of 83%(56).The control group showed 56% of animals not affected with uterine prolapse . It was concluded from this study that prophylactic treatment of uterine prolapse give the best results with pGF2α, followed with calcium borogluconate in dairy cattle previously affected with uterine prolapse.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4733
ISSN: 1992-7479
Appears in Collections:قسم الانتاج الحيواني

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