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Title: Foundations of Drought Determination in Iraq
Authors: اكبر عبدالله, خالد
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Route Educational & Social Science Journal
Abstract: Abstract The study examined the definition of dryness and its types and the basis of drought determination in Iraq by relying onthree statistical equations: 1. Thorn Thwaite factor 2. Lang Lang 3. Dehydration factor of Marton, applied to selected climatic plants in Iraq using techniques Geographic information systems have been reached to produce climate maps to determine the boundaries of the dry region in Iraq and separated from the rest of the other regions have been found that the best climate equation to determine the drought is the Marton equation as the results correspond to the reality of the climate regions in Iraq
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4848
Appears in Collections:قسم الجغرافية

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