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Title: Temporary weather changes and there effect on children respiratory diseases in Ramadi in the year 2017-2018
Authors: . Mahdi.F, Firas
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Journal of the University of Anbar for Humanities
Abstract: Abstract Temporary weather changes and ther effect on children respiratory diseases in Ramadi in the year 2017-2018 The study aims to show how respiratory diseases spread and its connation with seasanol weather changes, thtrough using the number of monthly cases of five diseases depending on the following results: جملة جامعة األنبار للعلوم اإلنسانوة العدد )2 ) )حزوران( 2029 (901 ( 1. Each (1000) persons have (4.5) cases of Mups . the disease is active during spring, March and April . 2. Each (10000) persons have (0.03) cases of pertussis the disease is active during Spring and Summer ending in May and June . 3. Eavh (1000) persons have (0.04) cases of Poliomyelitis . the disease is active in Summer . 4. Each (10000) persons have (1.7) cases of Chicken – pox . the disease is active Spring . 5. . Eavh (1000) persons have (0.4) cases of Measles the disease is active in Spring / April and May
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4876
Appears in Collections:قسم الجغرافية

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