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Authors: Yousif, saad
Al-Rakbawi, Mazin
Bayram, Mustafa
Keywords: Cereal, Durum wheat, storage, spike.
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Biochemical and Cellular Archives
Abstract: Cereal storage for long periods are most important problems for this age, it directly linked to economic security. At this study, two varieties of Durum wheat (Zevigo, Borgaz) were stored with spike in plastic bags for three years under ambient conditions of Ramadi/ Iraq. durum wheat characteristics did not deteriorate, the environmental conditions did not effected significantly, moisture content increased with (2-4%) but did not beyond the level the limit .Ash content has no Significant difference during the storage, other hand there were an improvement in gluten index its recorded after storage with rate (85.62 and 75.64), respectively, while wet and dry gluten decreased. Falling number also increased significantly in the two varieties were recorded (505, 546), respectively. Study results note positivizes of storage with spikes despite reduction of storage space compared to storage without spikes, but positive in maintaining quality at lowest economic cost.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4911
ISSN: 0972-5075
Appears in Collections:قسم علوم الاغذية

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