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Title: A study of the level of pollution by lead in the air of Anbar Governorate
Authors: Mahmood Amin Mejbil, Bashar Abdulazeez Mahmood
Issue Date: 1-Nov-2021
Abstract: As a result of the industrial expansion and the increase in the population in Anbar Governorate, the sources of air pollution in it have multiplied, the most important of which are industries, various crafts, means of transportation, and residential, agricultural and commercial activities. The current study included estimating the element of lead through seventy selected stations throughout the governorate, including stations in agricultural areas that were considered standard in the study in order to make a comparison. The study indicated that the concentration of lead element in all areas of the study is relatively high, as well as that some study stations showed clear contamination with this element, as its concentration increased in the permissible limits in some countries and national determinants and the World Health Organization, and these stations were represented by some industrial, commercial, traffic, and stations Gasoline filling. The results of this study were compared with previous studies in Iraq as well as international studies. Some stations showed clear pollution with this element, as its concentration increased to the permissible limits in some countries, national determinants and the World Health Organization, and these stations were represented by some residential, commercial, traffic, and industrial areas and petrol filling stations, and the reason was the added lead to fuel.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5615
Appears in Collections:قسم الكيمياء

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