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Title: Broadband Metal-Dielectric Waveguide Path with Low Losses in the EHF Range
Authors: V. V.Krutskikh, A. Yu. Sizyakova
M. S. Minkara, A. R. Ibrahim
Keywords: shielded dielectric waveguide
low losses, low-loss waveguide
waveguide transition
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The present paper is devoted to the design of a new shielded metal-dielectric waveguide with low losses (less than 0.5 dB/m) and wide bandwidth for the 90–100 GHz frequency range. Various types of waveguide structures were analyzed, such as metal waveguides, oversized metal waveguides, dielectric waveguides, dielectric waveguides with a metal shield and various designs of the dielectric filling element. Estimates of loss per unit length in them are obtained. The design of a waveguide containing an oversized round metal screen and a dielectric element consisting of a plate and a rod, located in the center of symmetry of the device, is proposed. The task of creating a transition from the investigated waveguide to a standard rectangular metal waveguide is considered. It is a horn transition from a circular cross-section to a rectangular one with a length of more than 25 wavelengths with a dielectric structure continuing the dielectric element of the waveguide path. As a result of the work, the ratios of the dimensions of the structural elements of the waveguide path and the materials used were obtained that satisfy the required losses
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5772
Appears in Collections:قسم الرياضيات التطبيقية

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