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Title: Soil radioactive pollution in Falluja-Iraq
Authors: Muthana SHANSHAL, Saja S. FARIS
Keywords: Falluja
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Biological Diversity and Conservation
Abstract: Applying the CR-39, Solid State Nuclear Track Detector, the radioactivity of the soil in Fallujah City was measured at the ground depths 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm respectively. The soil samples were collected during summer 2014. At the surface, 0-20 cm depth, the measured radioactivity corresponding to depleted uranium concentration of 1.1- 2.5 ppm, showed lower values as compared with the tolerated average value of 2.8 ppm (DU). The detected activity values at the 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm depths were not negligible, (1.0-2.3) ppm and (0.9-2.0) ppm respectively. The results indicate the diffusion of the radioactive material, accepted as depleted Uranium, down the soil layer within the 3 levels. Adding the ppm values at the three depths together yields radioactivity values of (3.1-6.8) ppm, which are greater than the IAE tolerated value of 2.8 ppm. The ‘accumulated activity’ represents the initial value for the contamination. The formation process dates back to the year 2005, of the 2nd Falluja confrontation. The period required for the diffusion down the soil extends over 9-10 years. The high numeric value of the radioactive contamination 3.0-6.8 ppm DU can permit us to understand the origin of the increase in cancer disease cases, women repetitive abortions, malformations and generic deformations of newly borne babies, following the year 2005, as reported by the health administrations of the city.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/6272
Appears in Collections:قسم الكيمياء

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