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dc.contributor.authorعبد, ادهام علي-
dc.contributor.authorمسلط, موفق مزبان-
dc.contributor.authorعبد اللطيف, وقاص محمود-
dc.contributor.authorجاسم, باسم كريم-
dc.description.abstractThe study was conducted pursuant to the order of the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, No.1606 in 28 \ 5 \ 2012 to support research projects within the investment budget.Work was completed in the College of Agriculture, University of Anbar, the implementation two experiments, the first in laboratory for the preparation of organic – mineral-Bio-fertilizer by using local raw materials, including dry matter to plant reeds and sawdust and the jungles of plant,was mixed with urea fertilizer for the preparation of C: N35: 1 and CN: N60: 1 also attended two mixture of rock phosphate and sulfur crude R:S 3:1 and R:S6:1 and added to the mixtures at two levels 10 and 20%,also has been isolated, diagnose and prepare three types of bacterial Azotobacter Spp., B. pumilus and T. novellus, the solution is added to the eight mixtures are then brew piles under aerobic conditions for 60 days,conducted measurements and analyzes, and five mixtures were selected to see its effectiveness in plant growth and holds yield of potato in field expermint compared to fertilizer TSP. The results showed: Distinguish the components of 4 mixtures that C: N35:1, speeds decomposition and the high rate of fermentation temperature to 62 Cº during the first week, and has achieved better rates of Fulvic Acid 11.57% ,Humic acid 13.65% and oxalic,citric acid 4.5, 4.2 g kg-1 .As well as the ratio of C: N 16.7:1 with a nitrogen content of 9.9%,microbial content 9.05 Log.Cfu. g1 .This resulted in the best IAA content 11.9 mg kg-1 ,highest rate of activity uriasae 11.49 mg NH3 l. h-1 ,in addition to the activity of the enzyme acid phosphatase 16.02 μmol pNp g-1 h -1 alternately,with achieving the best solubiale elements of the content of phosphorus and sulfate 8.35 , 8.26 g kg-1 , iron, zinc, 102.5 , 8.47 mg kg -1 .Investigated the treatment of Triple inteaction C: N35:1,R:S3:1,RS20% best rate from Fulvic acid 14.57% and oxalic acid 5.2 gkg-1 and the ratio C:N15:1, the highest loss percentage by weight of 16.7%, with the best content TM 9.34 Log cfug-1 and higher nitrogen content of 10.6%, Also has high content of elements dissolved phosphorus ,sulfate 11.6, 10.8 gkg-1 and iron, zinc 136, 12.4 mg kg-1 . While was found that treatment Triple interaction C:N35:1,R:S6:1,RS10% higher rate of 15.2% humic acid and alkaline phosphatase activity 13.1 μmol pNp g-1 h -1 .Showed the results of the experiment field for the use of treatment selictive from organic-bio-mineral fertilizers was prepared fermentation locally, best rates to the number of branch ranged between 9.1 and 5.12 branch p.-1 , compared with 4.82 branch p-1 compared with the treatment of TSP.Also the treatment mentioned give highest rate of dry weight ranged between 66.23 - 58.97 g p.-1 compared to an average of 56.41 g p-1 for the treatment of TSP, treatment T2,T1 significantly achieve production rates of yield potatoes for the plant,or total and marketer yield comparable to what has been achieved from the treatment TSP.Also showed soil analysis phase of the harvest improved significantly in their content of organic carbon, N, P, Fe and Zn avaliable, with highest activity enzyme phosphatase acid,alkaline, uriase enzyme and increased content of the soil microbial when treatment from organic-mineral Bio-fertilizers prepared fermentation locallyen_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal for Environment & Global Climate Changeen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries2 (4);106-122-
dc.subjectاسمدة عضوية حيويةen_US
dc.subjectمواد اوليةen_US
dc.subjectمخلفات المعاملen_US
dc.subjectحاصل نبات البطاطاen_US
dc.titleتحضير اسمدة عضوية حيوية من مواد اولية ومخلفات المعامل الصناعيةen_US
Appears in Collections:قسم التربة والموارد المائية

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