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Title: Effect of Metal Concentration on Some Physical Properties of Polypropylene-Nickel Composites
Authors: Ghassan Adnan Naeem
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Metal-polymer composites based on polypropylene (PP) blend as matrix and dispersed nickel (Ni) as filler have been prepared by hot press, and their electrical propertieq thermal ion?uctivity and- hardness have been investigated. The -effect of filler content on the above properties was studied' The results show that the value of thi electrical resistivity of (PP ilD ;;;ses rapidly over several orders of magnitude when the critical content of filler @, (percolation threshold) is reached. The dielectric constant found to increase slowly up to i the percolation concentration and beyond it a sudden increase i" iil value is observed. The thermal conductivity increases ,,noo.r,rywithincreasingtheconcentrationofthenickelfiller. Hardness ir.r"u.., *itli increase in metal concentration' but beyond @, it becomes almost constant'
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/6908
Appears in Collections:قسم الفيزياء الحياتية

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