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Title: Morphometric Characteristics Analysis (Elevations and Slopes) for the Surface Anbar Province, Using the Geometrics Techniques.
Authors: خليل خلف غضا الجابري, علي
ظاهر خلف مشافي الدليمي, سعدون
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Journal of the University of Anbar for Humanities,
Abstract: Abstract The geometrics techniques (Arc GIS program - Arc Info V. 10, visual and radar D.EM) is considered a source of recent information on the Earth's surface properties in Anbar province with high accuracy and reliability and its difficult to access through conventional means. The research problem is presented by the following two questions: What are the possibilities geometrics techniques that are presented in the Arc GIS program - Arc info V. 10 for modeling and analysis of surface properties of Al Anbar province by visible radar D.E.M to discover morphometric characteristics (elevations and slope) of the surface of Anbar province? What are the characteristics of the surface of Al- Anbar province concerning with elevations and slope? The research hypotheses are assimilated in the following two hypotheses: geometrics techniques allows great potential in detecting morphometric surface properties of Al-Anbar province. thematic maps to flag landforms can be prepared to recognize the surface characteristics of the province, as well as the possibility of preparing a three-dimensional models that facilitate the analysis of the surface properties of the province. The surface properties of Anbar province can be varied in terms of elevations and slopes; as a result of differing factors and processes that have affected and still affect on the province surface. The research aims to achieve the following: detection of the
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/6995
Appears in Collections:قسم الجغرافية

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