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Title: Effect of Urban Sewage Water on Pollution of the Euphrates River, Iraq
Authors: Sharqi, Mohamed M.
Hasan, Omar M.
Salih, Thaer A.
Keywords: Wastewater,
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Indian Journal of Ecology
Abstract: Discharge of wastewater in aquatic ecosystems such as rivers may cause changes in water quality of these water bodies, which adversely affect human health. This study aimed to assess the effect of urban wastewater on the water quality of the Euphrates River in Iraq. The identified sites were: the discharge point, the meeting point of effluent with the river, 100 m from the meeting point and control. The significant decrease in the pH and DO values of the river water was recorded at the meeting point compared to the control. significant 2 The increase was observed in EC, CO , BOD , and the viable count of bacteria in effluent and river water at the meeting point compared to the 2 5 control values. The study shows that the river has the ability to restore the balance of pH, EC, DO and CO after 100 m from the meeting point. 2 2 Nevertheless, the adverse effect of microbial pollution and increased BOD was persistent.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/7273
Appears in Collections:قسم علوم الحياة

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