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Title: The Study of Zinc’s Effect on Immunological Response in Guinea Pigs
Authors: M., Hassan A.
Keywords: Study,
Immunological Response,
Guinea Pigs
Issue Date: 12-Dec-2005
Abstract: Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of zinc on immunity, by use some immunological tests about humeral and cellular immunity. 18 guinea pigs put in three Groups (6 animals for each Group). the first group take a zinc (0.08 milligram),while the second take (0.16).the last treatment take a distill water as a control. (The doses given daily by stomach tube for tow months). ELISA test used to determine the antibodies level after vaccination with S typhi vaccine, Therese significant difference in response of different treatments compare to control, where this difference not found between treatments. The delayed type hypersensitivity test show that the highest effect is for treatment with Zn1 more than Zn2. Also with the phagocytic activity, highest phagocytic rate in treatment with Zn1. this effect decrease with heightened the dose. The macrophage migration inhibition test shows a significant difference in effect of zinc in compare with control.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/7364
ISSN: 1992-7479
Appears in Collections:قسم الانتاج الحيواني

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