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Title: Preparation of poly hydroxamic acid from poly(styrene –methyl metha acrylate) and study of the kinetics of nickel ion sorption by the prepared acid.
Authors: Khalil Ibrahim, Fatima
abed abedullah, Sadaa
Keywords: Poly hydroxmic acid
Hydroxamic acid
Sorption capacity
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Journal of university of Anbar for Pure science
Abstract: Abstract: In this paper, the copolymer (styrene-methyl methacrylate) was prepared by using free radical polymerization for the copolymerization between methyl methacrylate and styrene in an equal molar mixing ratio and using benzoyl peroxide as a starter at a temperature of 70 °C. Then the prepared copolymer was converted to poly hydroxamic acid, and this was done by reacting the copolymer with hydroxylamine hydrochloride at a base medium of = 13 using sodium hydroxide with heat escalation for a period of 70 °C. The nickel ion sorption capacity of the resultant product was evaluated using poly hydroxamic acid and spectroscopic FT-IR. As well as studying the effect of time, temperature and acidity function on the sorption capacity by chelating poly hydroxamic acid. Where it was shown that the capacity of adsorption increases with increasing time and decreases with increase in temperature mediated by poly hydroxamic acid. The equations of Arrhenius and Vant Hof were used, and from the enthalpy values, it was shown that the reaction was exothermic, and from the negative compression energy values, it was found that the reaction is spontaneous, and the type of physical detention is mediated by poly hydroxamic acid.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/7770
ISSN: 1991-8941
Appears in Collections:قسم الكيمياء

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