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Title: Effect of scions soaking with some plant growth regulators and budding date on growth of Apricot sapling cultivar labeeb
Authors: العيساوي, سمير عبد علي صالح
الحديثي, ايناس اياد سعيد
Keywords: Apricot,plant growth regulators,budding date,number of ranches, leaf area
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: مجلة الفرات للعلوم الزراعية
Abstract: This study was carried out at nursery in Heet city (150 km western of Baghdad) from (1/4/2013) to (1/12/2013) the study was included of budding one year old apricot seedling by apricot scions cultivar Labeeb. to study the effect of budding date and scions soaking with growth regulators (BA and NAA) on success percentage of budding and vegetative growth characteristics. Scions soaking treatments were summarized as follows:(control , Treated by NAA at (50 mg .l-1, Treated by NAA at (100 mg .lP -1 P, Treated by BA at (250 mg .l-1, Treated by NAA at (50 mg .l-1) with BA at (250 mg .l-1 and Treated by NAA at (100 mg .l-1) with BA at (250 mg .l-1 Scions were soaking for 10 minutes and budded on three budding date 24/3/2013, 24/5/2013, and 24/6/2013. The research was done in factorial experiments in two factors (6x3) (treatments × dates) with randomized complete block design with ten replicates The results of experiment were summarized as follows : budding date gave significant effected on budding success percentage and all Studied characteristics were first budding date gave best results comparing with second and third budding dates. Higher budding success percentage were obtained with treatment of buds by(BA) at (250 mg / l-1)which gave (92.50, 86.43, 81.57) % as compared with control at the first, second and third budding dates respectively. The treatment (BA at 250 mg /l-1) and (NAA at250 mg / l-1 ) showed significant increasing in most vegetative studied characteristics in all budding dates as comparing with control.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8159
ISSN: ISSN 2072-3875
Appears in Collections:قسم البستنة وهندسة الحدائق

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