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Title: Poetry as a Way of Giving Life in Extreme Situations: A Study of Two Selected Poem by Wallace Steven
Authors: Muslih, Waleed Shihan
Keywords: Steven, black bird, mountain, nightgown, sailor
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: journal of college of education - Wasit University
Abstract: The function of poetry is to help people in many different ways to overcome the challenges when they seem to have lost their lives. However, the present paper aims at demonstrating how does imagination in Wallace Steven's(1879-1955) poetry offer skills and techniques which help understand better and cope with difficulties. However, two of Steven's poem are tackled in this paper: "Thirteen Ways of Looking At Black Bird" and '' Disillusion of Ten O'clock". Furthermore, the paper deals with the poem from a new critic point of view. Accordingly, the study concludes that the poet's style of using imagery in many different ways is a modern way of coping with and understanding reality.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8320
Appears in Collections:قسم اللغة الانكليزية

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