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Title: المسؤولية الجنائية بواسطة الغير عن الاستخدامات النفعية للطاقة النووية
Authors: أ.م.د فاضل عواد محيميد
Keywords: الطاقة
المسؤولية الجنائية
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2020
Publisher: مجلة كلية القانون للعلوم القانونية والسياسية - جامعة كركوك
Abstract: The advancement of science and knowledge and the innovations that it presented to mankind were to be harnessed for the sake of human service and welfare, but the matter contradicted the love of influence, control and domination, so the scientific achievements were distorted from their aspirations, but the purpose of their innovation might be to cause others to subjugate and force them to submit and submit. This is the negative side (the oppressor). But the urgent need and mental awareness of the fatal catastrophes of the international societies in the future for political, economic and social entities, resulting from the depletion of traditional resources of energy (oil, gas, coal), went towards harnessing science to achieve its utilitarian goal in securing the life requirements of the inhabitants of the globe, including nuclear energy, But even utilitarian (peaceful) use and goodwill from taming this dangerous form of energy generates damages and risks that affect the various aspects of life, which led to national and international legislation in determining international and national responsibility (criminal, civil, administrative), for any negative effects of using This type of energy, and facing it either by making reparation or removing the danger and holding the accountant accountable even if he does not have the natural personality of responsibility, it may be and this is often the subject of our research. The responsible person is legally assumed (company, institution, state) created by the work environment, and responsibility is attached to him In its direct and indirect form, that is the modern endeavor in the face of the new criminalizing images related to the progress of science and the development of societies.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8382
Appears in Collections:قسم القانون

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