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Title: Guidline of Iraqi valleys development (1- Wadi Horan)
Authors: Abdulhameed, Isam M.
Alhadeethi, Isam Kh.
Jabir, Ahmed A.
Fayyadh, Abed S.
Mohammed, Ahmed S.
Kamel, Ammar H.
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2022
Publisher: Bookstore for printing, publishing and translating, Baghdad, Iraq
Abstract: Preface: The western desert in Iraq is classified among the arid and semi-arid areas. This classification is an outcome of low rainfalls that ranges between 50-110 mm across the entire area. While, the high summer temperatures fallouts in high annual evaporation rates of 1800 mm in those areas. The western desert is also characterized by the abundance of valleys in which large amounts of flowed water moves during the rainy season. Horan valley is well- thought-out as the largest one of these valleys, with an area of more than 15000 Km2 and an annual water flow of more than 200,000,000 m3. The previous researches indicate that the valley was a river before second ice age, thus, it was nominated as a model of valleys in the western desert. The present study aims to design a guidebook for developing those valleys, to ensure the sustainability of their resources and acquire their maximum benefit. This objective will contribute in sustainable environmental balance through the expansion and establishment of oases, natural preserves and national parks to preserve biological diversity without violating the natural resources of groundwater and natural plants of the valleys. Moreover, the study included a comprehensive survey of the valley's nature and the small dams that built to confine rainwater on its route. In addition, some plans were based on the recent studies to establish a series of small dams with optimal heights to ensure storing the largest amount of rainwater with the least surface evaporation losses from their reservoirs. The sustainable development aims to achieve an optimal investment of the resources to guarantee their preservation within an environmental balance which required for human health and biosafety. Hence, the development projects start from investing untapped land in agricultural projects that equalize the carbon emitted from factories, such as the establishment of nature preserves and national parks, which ensure the medium and long term balanced ecological system. This system creates environmentally friendly tourism that contributes to enhancing the country’s national security. The study branded the possibility of planting several million drought- resistant trees within a nature reserve park with a total area of 4000 Km2. The annual rates of rainfall ensure the sustainability of these facilities without exhausting groundwater in the area. Thus, the researchers are looking forward to continue updating this study to simulate the climate changes, thereby, expanding the present indications on other valleys of the western desert to ensure optimal management of water and natural resources.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/840
Appears in Collections:مركز تنمية حوض أعالي الفرات

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