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Title: دور بعض المغذيات الكبرى والصغرى في نمو وحاصل الثوم (Allium sativum L.) وبعض صفاته النوعية
Authors: المحمدي, حنين شرتوح شرقي
Keywords: المغذيات الكبرى والصغرى
حاصل الثوم
صفات نوعية
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: قسم علوم التربة والموارد المائية - كلية الزراعة - جامعة الانبار
Series/Report no.: ;1-176
Abstract: A field trial was conducted on silt loam soil which classified as Alluvial soil with silty loam texture identified to the main level Typic Torrifluvent according to the modern classification (Soil Survey Staff, 2006). at AL-bu-Farraj district, northern Ramadi(110 km west of Baghdad) to study the effect of macro and micronutrients on growth, yield, qualitative properties of garlic (Allium sativum L.). The inhibitative ability of its extract against certain bacterial species was also studied. A factorial experiment (4×4) with two factors, was laid out in randomized completely block design( RCBD) with three replicates for treatment. 1- The first factor included the fertilizer combination(A) of macronutrients ( N, P , K ) at the following levels : A0 : ( 0, 0 ,0) , A1: ( 66.4 , 34.9 , 80 ) , A2: ( 99.6 , 52.3 , 120 ) , A3: ( 132.8 , 69.8 , 160 ) kg.ha-1 . 2- The second factor was leaf fertilizer ( microm) (B) at the following concentrations: B0 : 0 , B1 :0.5 , B2 : 1 , B3 : 1.5 g.L-1 The main results of this study were as following : 1- The fertilizer combination A3 had recorded the highest mean for leaf area , leaves per plant , cloves contents of ( N, P , K , Fe, Zn , Cu , Mn , Se and Ge ) ; and some amino acids ( glutamic acid, glycine , serine, threonine , alanine , proline , tyrosin , valine , methionine , isoleucine , leucine , phenylalanine and lysine ). This treatment was superior in ( allicin and S-allyl cystine) contents.This combination (A3) gave highest inhibitive effect against all studied bacterial E.Coli , pseudomonas and Bacillus species). A2 fertilizer combination showed the highest mean values for cloves per head , head weight and garlic yield and it was superior in some amino b acids ( aspartic acid , histidine , arginine and cysteine) contents of garlic cloves. 2 - spray of the nutritional solution Microm had shown significant differences in growth and yield trails. Treatment B3 was the superior in leaf area, leaves per plant , head weight and yield ( 23.18Mg.ha-1 ) . This treatment was also superior in obtaining the highest garlic cloves contents of ( N , P , K , Fe , Zn , Cu , Mn , Se , and Ge) and most amino acids ( aspartic acid , glutamic acid , glycine , serine , histidine , arginine , threonine , alanine , proline , tyrosin, valine , methionine , isoleucine , leucine , phenylalanine and lysine) . This treatment was the superior for sulfur content in garlic cloves ( allicin and S- allyl cysteine ). Spray treatment B1 had the highest content of cysteine in garlic cloves and highest inhibitive effect of garlic extract against E.coli , Pseudomonas sp. 3 - Interaction between soil fertilization and spray with Microm achieved noticeable superiority for some studied trails. The treatment A2B3 gave highest values for leaf area , mean head weight and garlic yield (25.9Mg.ha-1 ). This treatment was also superior in giving the highest contents of some amino acids (aspartic acid , glutamic acid , arginine , threonine , proline and cysteine ) in garlic cloves. Interaction treatment A3B3 was superior in garlic cloves contents of some nutrients ( N , P, K , Fe , Zn , Mn , Se , and Ge ), But the interaction was not significant in the cloves of the content of copper. Treatment A2B2 showed highest garlic cloves contents of some amino acids ( glycine , serine , histidine , alanine , valine , lysine , methionine and leucine ) and highest contents of allicin and S- allyl cysteine ) in the cloves. Treatment A3B2 achieved the highest contents of isoleucine in garlic cloves. This treatment was the superior concerning inhibitive effect of garlic extract on Pseudomonas sp. . Treatments A2B2 and A2B3 were characterized as the best for the recorded c values of garlic cloves contents of two amino acids ( phenyl alanine and methionine) with an approximately values.Treatments A2B2 and A3B3 were the superior for tyrosine content. Each treatment gave the same value of this amino acid.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8464
Appears in Collections:قسم التربة والموارد المائية

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