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Authors: Al-Halbosy, Usama Hassien Mahdi
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: University of Anbar-Collage of Agricultural - department of crops science
Abstract: A field experiment had been achieved during the summer season for the year 2003 in a clay ground mixed in the city of Garma –Falluja –Anbar Governorate in order to the know the effect of Phosphate fertilization (150,75 ,0 ) kgm p2o5 H1- and nitrogen fertilization (225,150,75,0 ) kgm N H1- and potassium spreading (K %0.25 ,0) in the growing and got and it’s quality characters in the soy beans and IPA soy . I had used in this experiment layers sheets according to the design of random sections complete and for three times and seed had been planted in May inside sections with 10 cm and did all the planting operations between side and another and between section and another 10 cm and all the planting operations had been done like cleaning the ground from grass and water the got during growing season according to the need of the plant and the most important results were :- -- the superiority of the fertilization 150 kgm p2o5 H1- in the most of the growing characters which had given the most high weight for the seed (12.5 ) Gm and given (4316.0 ) KGM hiktatr got . -- the addition of the fertilization of nitrogen had given incorporeal effect with the level 225 KGM N H1- and the number of the seed and the percentage of the fertility and the got and each got had given (6813.3 ) KGM per hectare . --the not spreading by Potassium had given incorporeal priority in all the branch of the plant and the percentage of the nitrogen in the papers and the seeds (35.09 % ) while the spreading by potassium on the papers with concentration 0.25 % had led for increasing the potassium percentage in the area of the papers and the got of each seed and had given a got about (3638.08 ) KGM H 1- . -- the fertilized plants with the level 150 KGM P2O5 H1- +225 KGM N.H1- had given the most high incorporeal level for the plant high and the number of the branches and the size of the area on the paper and the number of the seeds with the weight of the seed 100 seeds and the got of one plant and the total got (6813.3 ) KGM .H1- > while the fertilized plants with the level 75 KGM P2O5 .H1- had given the highest level of the fertility and the number of the seeds in one got . -- the fertilized plants with the level 150 KGMP2O5 .H1- and spread with potassium had given the highest level of the high of the plant and the size of the paper and the number of the seeds with 100 weight of one seed while the fertilized plants and not spread with potassium had given the most high rank of phosphor in the papers . -- the spread plants with potassium under the level 225 KGMN.H1- had given the average for the number of the seeds in one plant and 100 the weight of one seed and the total got (5417.5 ) KGM H1- . but the untreated plants with potassium and fertilized with the same level had given the highest average for the number of the branches and the number of the seeds in one got and the percentage of the protein in the seeds (34.71 % ) . - the triple incoming for the elements of the study had given incorporeal influence in the studied characters that the fertilized plants with the level 225 KGM N.H1- + 150 KGM P2O5 H1- and spread with potassium had given the highest average for the high of the plant and the size of the paper and the number of the got and the weight of the seed 100 in one got and the total got and the it gave a got (7115.9 ) KGM H1- and the not spread plants with potassium and under the same level on phosphor and nitrogen had given the highest average for the number of he branches /plant . and recorded the percentage of the potassium in the papers spread with potassium and not fertilized with both elements ( phosphor –nitrogen ) . and recorded the highest percentage for the number of the seed in one got for the plant spread with potassium under the level 225 KGM NH1- 75 KGM P2O5 H1- . and the fertilized plant with the level 225 KGM N .H1- and not treated with phosphor and potassium had given the highest average of protein in the seeds (35 .43 % ) .
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8594
Appears in Collections:قسم المحاصيل الحقلية

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