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Title: Assessment of heavy metals in the sediments of the Euphrates River in Al-Anbar Province
Authors: Al-Rawi, Ahmed Sobhe Yahya
Zaidan, Tahseen. A.
Salh, Emad. M.
Keywords: heavy metals
Euphrates River
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Euphrates River is one of the major rivers in Iraq, so requires monitoring of the risk of contamination because of the constantly increasing population and the developed industry. This study shows the extent of contamination in the sediments of the Euphrates River where samples collected from fourteen stations (Al-Baguz, Al-Manaai, Al-phosphate, Jbab, Rawa, Al-Ksr, before the dam, after the dam, Hjlan, AL-Baghdadi, Hit, Al-Dowara,Al-Mohammadi and Al-Ramadi) are distributed along the Euphrates River in Al-Anbar province . Two samples collected from each station, one in the winter of 2011 and the second in the spring of 2012 to assess the seasonal changes of the concentrations of elements (Cr, Mn Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb). Samples were crushed and digested with mixtures of different acids to estimate the microwave efficiency the heavy elements using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. To find more efficient digestion conditions to retrieve the items, standard deposit concentrations of elements were used. The best conditions for all elements studied using a mixture (HCl:H2SO4:HNO3) (3:2:2) with a temperature of digestion 190˚, time of digestion 30 minutes and 25 ml the volume of digestion mixture where the percentage of recovery of elements ranging between (98% -% 89), except for iron ratio which was restored to the best in the mixture (HCl: HNO3) (3:1) with a temperature of digestion190˚, time of digestion 30 minutes and the volume of digestion mixture 25 ml. Concentrations ranged of elements in the study area were of the Cr 130.9 - 21.8, Mn 343.1 - 107.9, Fe 4303.6 - 599.4, Co 44.8 - 24.6, Ni 108.3 - 37.8, Cu 6 - 30.5, Zn 155 - 11, Cd 2.45 - 0.87, Pb 29.8 - 8.6 mg / kg. According to (PLI) high pollution was found in the stations of Al-Baquz, Al-Dowara and Al-Ramadi. The rest of the stations were either partially polluted or free of pollution
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8830
Appears in Collections:قسم الكيمياء

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