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Title: Effect Of seeds priming With salicylic acid and foliar application of nano-nitrogen fertilizer on growth and yield of three cultivars of corn
Authors: Al-ani, AL- Ubaidi , Mohammed Owaid Ghadeer Alaa Abulghani Hussein
Alabodi, Hadi Mohamed Karim
Keywords: seeds priming , salicylic acid, nano-nitrogen fertilizer, cultivars , corn
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: University of Anbar-Collage of Agricultural - department of crops science
Abstract: Three experiments were carried out in this study. The first experiment was carried out in the laboratories of the General Authority for Seed Inspection and Certification / Ministry of Agriculture and two field experiments in the fields of Abu Ghraib Research Station of the Agricultural Research Department / Ministry of Agriculture and repeated for the spring and autumn seasons of 2018. In order to know the effect of seed activation according to four levels of salicylic acid (0, 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 mM) and three levels of leaf feeding with Optimus Plus (0, 0.50, 1 and 1.5 ml-1) in growth, yield and quality of three maize cultivars (Sumer, Maha and Fajr). The laboratory experiment was carried out according to the complete random design (CRD) with three replicates and two treatments. The first treatment was three cultivars of maize crop, while the second treatments for the seed priming according to four concentrations of salicylic acid. The two field experiments were based on Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) arranged in split plot with three replications. The main plates were occupied by the selected maize verities and the activation treatments were applied with salicylic acid and Nano organic fertilizer Optimus Plus for the secondary plots The results of the laboratory experiment were higher in the activation treatment with the first salicylic acid concentration 0.25 mM. Sumer also had the highest rate of germination percentage was about 77.20%, the length of the radicle was about 14.41 cm, the dry weight of seedling was about 163.6 mg, the seedling vigor was about 15.58 and the seedling vigor index was about 2.536. while the Maha cultivar shows the lowest rates for previous qualities. There were no significant differences in most of the interaction actions between the two treatments. The results of the field experiment showed that there were significant differences in salicylic acid activation for most studied traits. The concentration was higher than 0.25 mM with the highest rate of on emergence percent was about (55.26 and 80.56%), the number of grains in row was about (20.25 and 24.43 grains), the number of rows in corn was about (15.41 and 15.41), the number of grains in corn was about (312.3 and 368.1 grains), and total grain yield (5.19 and 7.38 tons.h-1) for the spring and A 151 autumn seasons respectively, compared with the treatment of comparison (activation of water), which gave the lowest rate of the qualities described above. While the weight of 500 tablets 151.9 g for the autumn season showed highest values, and did not show the number of corns any significant difference of the activation factors and for each season. Sumer is superior in most of the studied traits in the highest mean for each of the number of corns plant was about (1.24 and 1.27 corns), grainy content was about (5.35 and 6.98 tons.h-1), the biological yield (19.303 and 21.68 tons.h-1), the proportion of protein in cereals was about (9.62), and 10.00% Oil in cereals was (4.70 and 4.74%) for the spring and autumn seasons respectively, compared to Al-Maha, which gave the lowest rate of the previous rates. There were no significant differences in most of the interaction actions between the treatments. As for the experiment of spraying with organic manure, the higher level was significantly higher in most of the studied traits. The highest rate of plant height was (163.03, 171.03 cm), leaf area (3879, 4975 cm2), number of seeds (292.2, 377.5 grain), grain yield (5.11 and 7.04 tons.h-1), compared to the treatment of comparison (spray with distilled water), the less value reached was (154.64, 162.36 cm), (3066, 4096 cm2), (246.2, 305.8 grain), 3.70, and 4.79 for the spring and autumn seasons, respectively. While the comparison treatment with a maximum weight of 500 grains was (139.2 and 145.5 g) compared with N3, which gave the lowest rate of (132.2 and 135.7 g) for the spring and autumn seasons, respectively. While the number of corns did not show significant differences in the different levels of spraying with the organic manure. Sumer was superior to most of the studied traits. The highest yield was given for each of the number of corns in the plant 1.24 and 1.24 grapes, 5.65 and 7.03 grains, biological yield 18.61 and 21.19, and protein content in grains 9.89 and 10.19%. And 14% for spring and autumn seasons, respectively. for Al-Maha cultivar, which gave the lowest rate of these traits. While the cultivars did not show significant differences for the weight of 500 tablets. There were no significant differences in most of the interaction actions between the treatments.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/9013
Appears in Collections:قسم المحاصيل الحقلية

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