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Title: Effect of foliar application with thiamine and plant density in growth and yield of Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.)
Keywords: with thiamine , plant density, Broad Bean
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: University of Anbar-Collage of Agricultural - department of crops science
Abstract: A field experiment was carried out in fields of Zooyiah Steeh region- Ramadi district/ Anbar governorate that located on longitude of 43ᵒ E and latitude of 33ᵒ N on Euphrates bank during the two winter seasons of 2016- 2017 and 217 -2018. The aim of the study was to study the effect foliar application with thiamine and plant density in growth and crops yield broad bean (Vicia faba L.). The experiment was conducted according to split-split plots arrangement in RCBD with three replications. The study included four thiamine concentrations (0, 100, 200 and 300 mg L-1) as main treatments while the sub treatments two plant densities (80000 and 57000 plant ha-1 between holes) and the sub-sub treatments included four broad bean genotypes (American-Sakis, Turkish- Ecuadichi, Holand- Aquadulce and Italian-Ackerbhone). The results of the study were summarized as follow: As for thiamine application, there was a clear effect of thiamine treatments in most studied traits. The concentration 100 mg L-1 achieved highest average of number of growth and yield traits and its quality as number of days until complete maturity, 150.79 day of first season respectively, in pod protein percentage (6.50 pod plant-123.78 % of the second season respectively, carbohydrates percentage 58.54, 57.42% for both seasons respectively. As for plant densities, the low plant density achieved significant superiority in most studied traits such as for first season and number of branches, number of pods( 6.65 branch plant-1, 10.77 pod plant-1) biological yield 7.39 ton ha-1) of the second season respectively. The genotypes were significantly varied. However, American cultivar gave highest average of most studied growth, yield and quality traits such as weight of 100 seed (136.5 g) in first season and protein percentage (23.77%) of the second season and number of pods, number of seeds in pod, seed yield and carbohydrate percentage (11.38, 6.80 pod plant-1, 3.81 seed pod-1, 3.48, 2.62 ton ha-1, 58.3 and 57.62%) for both seasons respectively. The two way interaction between genotypes (American cv.) and low plant density achieved significant superiority and gave the highest average of plant dry weight 53.13 g plant-1 of first season and number of pods and biological yield and carbohydrates percentage (6.91 pod plant-1, 7.98 ton ha-1, 58.10%) of the second season respectively. As for the two way interaction between genotypes and thiamine concentrations, the American genotype when interacted with the concentration of 100 mg L-1 achieved significant superiority of plant dry weight and net photosynthesis and carbohydrates percentage (52.33 g plant-1, 4.29 g m-2 leaf day-1, 59.50% for the first season respectively) and relative growth rate and number of pods (0.021 g g-1 day-1, 7.77 pod plant-1) for second season respectively. The two way interaction between plant densities and thiamine concentrations showed significant effect. High plant density when interacted with control treatment of thiamine achieved significant effect of number of studied traits such as plant height 62.88 and 73.45 cm of both seasons respectively, crop growth rate, seed yield and protein yield (7.48 g m-2 day-1, 2.92 ton ha-1 and 0.69 ton ha-1) of the second season respectively. The triple interaction between study factors had also significant effect in number of studied traits. American cultivar at low plant density under the effect of 100 mg L-1 thiamine achieved highest average of plant dry weight and protein percentage 62.72 g.plant-1 and 26.88 % for the first seasons respectively and biological yield and carbohydrates percentage (6.20 ton ha-1, 58.83%) for the second season respectively.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/9014
Appears in Collections:قسم المحاصيل الحقلية

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