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Title: Growth and Yield Response of Sesame Cultivars to Spray with Fulvic Acid
Authors: الفهداوي،محمد قاسم, العاني ، مؤيد هادي إسماعيل
Keywords: Growth and Yield و Sesame Cultivars و Spray و Fulvic Acid
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: University of Anbar-Collage of Agricultural - department of crops science
Abstract: The field experiment was carried out during the summer season of 2021 at the second station in the area of Al-Buaitha in the city of Ramadi, Anbar Governorate, affiliated to the University of Anbar, College of Agriculture to study the response of the growth properties and the yield of several cultivars of sesame for fertilization with fulvic acid. The experiment was executed by using randomized completely block design R.C.B.D. within the system of split plots with three replications. The study consisted of four cultivars of sesame; Rafidain, Sumer, Had, and Wada’a with four levels of fulvic acid concentrations; 0, 10, 20, and 30 ml/litter. The cultivars occupied the secondary plots while fulvic concentrations engaged in the main plots. The results may be summarized as follows: The Wada’a cultivar excelled in the properties of vegetative growth, while the highest average of the leaf area was (5608 cm2), the index of the leaf area was (3.205) and the dry weight was (157.33 g). Whereas the Sumer cultivar prevailed in the yield and quality properties. The highest average of the number of capsules in the plant (232.33), the number of seeds in the capsule (54.45), the seed yield (2266 kg/h), the biological yield (12.20 tons/h), the percentage of oil in seeds (41.63%) and the oil yield in seeds (0.947 tons/h) were recorded. The concentration of 30 mg /litter was exceeded by giving it the highest average in the vegetative growth properties of the plant height trait (140.61 cm) and the number of leaves (62.93). The concentration 20 ml /litter exceeded in most of the properties of the yield and quality, where the highest average of the seed number in capsule was (56.82), the harvest guide (12.05) and the percentage of oil in seeds (40.87). The significant effect of the interaction treatments between sesame cultivars and fulvic acid concentrations indicated that the cultivars exhibited a different behavior toward fulvic acid concentrations, and this means that sesame plants could be treated with fulvic acid to improve the overall productivity of the plant. In the plant, it reached 238.67 capsule-1, while the variety recorded farewell when the control treatment, the lowest average was 123.67 plant capsule-1. As for the number of seeds in the capsule, the Sumer cultivar at concentration 10 mg L-1 recorded the highest average of 60.40 seed capsule-1, while the cultivar Had, when compared to treatment, recorded the lowest average of 43.13 seed capsule-1, and the dry weight of the plant gm, the farewell variety recorded at concentration 10 the highest The average was 163.67 g, while the Hadd variety recorded at a concentration of 30 mg L-1, the lowest average was 122.67 g.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/9197
Appears in Collections:قسم المحاصيل الحقلية

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