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Title: أنساق بناء الحدث في قصص لطفية الدليمي المجموعة القصصية (إذا كنتَ تحب) أنموذجًا
Other Titles: Layout of The Events Building in Lutfya Al-Dulaimi Stories The Story Collection (If You are in Love) as Model
Authors: جمال فاضل فرحان
Keywords: The Event
Lutfya Al-Dulaimi
Building Style
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publisher: مجلة سر من رأى للدراسات الانسانية
Series/Report no.: المجلد السابع عشر/ العدد السابع والستون;3 - 30
Abstract: This research aims to identify the mechanism of building the narrative event in the stories of the female Iraqi writer (Lutfya Al-Dulaimi). This author’s narrative works are characterized by listing successive events and various topics in each story separately. This can be seen in her collection : (If You are in Love). This collection in particular will be the focus of this study. The researcher tries to answer question: How did this writer deal with that collection? How did she behave in the totality of events, the way the events are built, and their compatibility with the element of personality, time and place? Then our purpose changes to know and show the most important formats that this writer used in constructing the events of her short stories. For this reason, we dedicate some of our study for the structural perspective then the focus moves to the descriptive analysis of the internal system of the story parts.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/9552
ISSN: 1813 – 6798
Appears in Collections:قسم اللغة العربية

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