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Title: The Important Effect of NRG-4 Level on the Iraqi Obese Infertility Women's
Authors: Mustafa Saleam Khalaf, Sadik A. Abdullah
Bilal A. Dylan
Keywords: Infertility Women's (IW)
NRG-4 (Neuregulin- 4)
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Body mass index (BMI)
Issue Date: 25-Apr-2024
Publisher: International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences
Citation: 0
Abstract: Infertility Women's (IW) this term refers to unable of female for pregnant after at least 1 year of the frequent sexual encounter without any contraceptive agent used. NRG-4 (Neuregulin 4) is a protein hormone classified within adipokine or neuregulin family encode by special gene called NRG-4 (Neuregulin 4) gene, this gene mostly exists in brown adipose tissues. NRG-4 has an important biological role in endocrine and paracrine signaling, it is as erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 4 (ERBB4) activator. To explain the NRG- 4 important function in obese IW women's patients. This study was designed on select females’ individuals were divided into 30 individuals having obese IW and 30 fertile women's (as healthy control) individuals. The age of all individuals was 19-34 years old. For all female individuals were assessment of serum NRG-4 level with body mass index (BMI) measurement. The current results of study appeared to increase at the serum NRG- 4 level and BMI in obese IW group compared with fertile women's group. The statistic value for NRG-4 biomarker at obese IW group was 432.2 + 17.8 and for fertile women's 241.0 + 19.7, while the statistic value of BMI for obese IW group was 31.7 + 1.5 and for fertile women’s group 23.4 + 2.3. The current study shows the NRG- 4 role that has function as compensate factor in compensate mechanism for obese IW patients.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/9583
ISSN: 2226-9614
Appears in Collections:كلية الصيدلة

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